Weekly Safety Topic – Little Humor in Health and Safety

A man was severely injured while cleaning machinery with gasoline, which dripped onto a rat that was running across the floor. The rat’s gasoline-coated fur ignited when it ran beneath a heater with a pilot light, causing an explosion.

An English woman was rushed to the hospital from chlorine gas poisoning when she mixed Harpic (toilet bowl cleaner) and Domestos (bleach) together in a confined space.  She had inadvertently created the same conditions as experienced by the soldiers during a gas attack in the trenches of the First World War.

OK…..  the next ones get better!!

The cap of Bert’s tooth fell out, so he phoned his dentist to ask if it could be replaced. “Yes,” said the dentist, “but it will cost you about $500.”  “No way” said Bert as he went off to buy a $3.00 tube of superglue.  He later stuck the cap back on himself.   The next day he woke up to find himself in the hospital.      Warning:   Superglue contains a form of a cyanide chemical.

When the employees attended a fire safety seminar, they watched the officer demonstrate the proper way to operate an extinguisher.  “Pull the pin like a hand grenade,” he roared. “Then depress the trigger and sweep the base of the fire….”

Later a rather nervous, young and new employee was selected to extinguish a ‘controlled fire’ in the live demonstration area. In his nervousness, he forgot to pull the pin.

The instructor roared, “Like a hand grenade!” And again louder, “Like a hand grenade, remember?!”   In a burst of confidence, the young man pulled the pin ………………… and hurled the extinguisher into the blaze.

A bus carrying five passengers was hit by a car in Boston, Massachusetts, but by the time police arrived on the scene, fourteen pedestrians had boarded the bus and had begun to complain of whiplash injuries and back pain.

Parking lot Safety is always a concern for businesses.  So, when one Safety Manager asked his workers “Does anyone know what the speed limit is in our parking lot?”    After a long silence, one employee spoke up…. “That depends. Do you mean coming to work or leaving!”

A crowd gathered around at a woodworking trade show and were watching a sales demonstration.   The demonstrator had a table saw which was equipped with a new blade stopping safety device.  He showed how the blade immediately stops in the event it came in contact with an operator’s finger.    For simulation purposes he used a sausage as a substitute.  Intrigued, a curious spectator stepped up for a closer look and was struck in the eye by a flying piece of sausage.

George, a new employee went into the breakroom for his first cup of coffee. He hung his hard hat on the rack outside the door and sat down.   When he finished his coffee, he found his hard hat had been stolen.  George strolled back into the break room and flipped his clip board into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and slapped it down hard onto the table, ‘Bang!‘   ‘Which one of you stole my hat?’ he yelled….. but, no one answered.

“Alright, I’m gonna have another cup of coffee and if my hat ain’t back on the rack by the time I’m finish, I’m gonna do what I did at my last job….. And I don’t like to have to do what I did at my last job!”  Some people in the breakroom shifted restlessly. George, true to his word, had another cup of coffee and walked outside to find his hard hat has been returned to the rack.

He started to go back to his office.  One of the employees wandered out of the breakroom and asked, “Hey man, before you go… tell me, what happened at your last job?”  George simply replied, “I had to buy a new hard hat.”

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