Weekly Safety Topic – Safety Culture

Safety Culture

Wow… Believe it or not, it has been over 2 ½ years since we first started our weekly safety topics. The topics started out as a way to remind everyone safety is not just a word but a culture. The weekly postings were meant to be informative reminders to help keep you, your families and your co-workers safe… whether it be at work, driving, home or just out shopping.

So, what is a Safety Culture? It’s people who embody safety processes. An organization’s safety culture is a result of individuals and group values, attitudes, and patterns of behavior leading to the commitment of actions supporting everyone’s health and safety.

Individual employees and their daily actions are the key elements of an effective safety culture regardless of what title they may hold. Companies that demonstrate a strong safety culture, include both management and employees that feel that their safety achievements are the result of a joint effort.

Managers must demonstrate their commitment and lead by example when it comes to health and safety. From the directions given, the tools they provided to the way they interact on the shop floor.
Active employee participation and good communication at all levels is key. In a positive safety culture, actions and precautions should be part of your everyday work. This can include observations, feedback, open communication and accountability. It is important to take ownership of your safety as well as the safety of those around you.

It is vital that everyone, regardless of their position has a personal commitment to and responsibility for the safety of themselves and others. So even if the Safety Topics become fewer or farther in between, continue to take personal responsibility and ask yourself everyday…

What is my attitude towards safety?

What prevents me from working safely?

How can I improve our safety culture?

Improving workplace safety is not one person’s job… Unless you consider yourself that one person. If every person here says they want to be that one person…. that will continue to have a positive impact on the company’s safety culture.

Take care of yourself, your families and your colleagues… and remember just because I am not here to share my corny safety topics…. Always remember, the ones that made you laugh, grimace or even cringe over the past 2 ½ years….. it has been my pleasure to share.

Be safe, be alert and continue the safety culture we started together here at Dental Planet.



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